Wednesday, May 24, 2017

More Life.

Sometimes we create situations  for ourselves with consequences way out of the reach of our inner natural order.
Things homes teaching never brought our minds to.
We fall for wrong people; we make the wrong friends, we make shitty  life decisions, we act out and then we become destitute...

We adopt alien deamenours and paint them in new age titles..
. "Hook up culture, liberals.. free mindness... you name it"
Traits that were at times not passed down to us by those who came before us.
Evolution has advanced so deep that change requires change in definition.

The Apple of every new generation seems to be falling further from the tree with every new coming future.
In philosophy,ethics, morals, lifestyles etc...
We do all these nasty, embarrassing and humiliating things.

That is the beauty of existence.
True existence that brings with it a package of memories made, and the ability to learn.
To learn from past experiences and be able to act according to the  intellectualism of your growth.
In knowing the hope that despite not all is  perfect NOW, tomorrow will be a better day and  therein you know lies happiness.
Find your happiness and inner piece.
Accept the things you cannot change and change the things you won't accept.
Difference requires effort.
It's not really the external vibe that should matter, but it's how you feel inside and how you can learn to remedy and mend your broken self from all the pain and hurt of past experience.

It isn't easy so don't be so hard on yourself . Applaud yourself when you need to, treat yourself, pat yourself on the back and always have a contingency plan..
Learn independence.
You are your most important investment.
Know your worth and remind yourself that gold and diamonds shine and that should always be reflected by the radiance of your joy.
Live. Thrive. Prosper..

More life to you and yours.