Thursday, November 16, 2017


You are a fighter.
You walk with the shadows but carry the light deep within you. 
You're a pure form of art, something like x  or pi...
The mathematics equation.
We just don't know.
Not everybody will understand you... but don't let that stop you.
Allow your light to spark the mind that changes the world.
Be the change you wish to see and live forever.
You are
Forget that not.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Social media activations.

I'm on Instagram as @the_philosopher_na. Install the app to follow my photos and videos.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Side Note.

I've been writing stories with my life.
Been on a moonshine mission.
Doing the most here and there and surviving elsewhere.
I hope this place is your peace.
I hope in this realm you don't lose your voice.