The fat supposedly slimmer.
Aren't the stupid supposed to be getting smarter.
And the smarter finally practical.
If this world is only getting better shouldn't the killing have ended a long time ago.
Shouldn't rape be non existent and shouldn't we all not have to pay to have sex.
Yes shouldn't prostitution become of the past.
If this world is only getting better then why is the darkness of my complexion still associated with violence.
Why is he who is of white skin more privileged in almost all aspects of life than I am.
Why can I not jog freely at 2am in Katutura without being jumped.
Why can I not jog into hochland park without being taken for a robber.
If this world is only becoming better than why do I not see and only see the girl of my dreams in my eyes. One with all the perfection I could ever want. No lies
Why do I feel envy, jealousy ,rage and sadness if this utopia was promised to be a better place I also ask myself.
If this world is becoming a better place then why do the graduates sit home nursing their degrees waiting endlessly for jobs to feed those qualifications.
Why do we sit in class hoping to get an education that is not passing through Mike's head because Mike is practical and is better with his hands.
Why do we suffer as such.
Why are we still slaves to systems and subjects to soviergn that only exploit us to their benefit.. why?
Oh why..
I think it is because
In spite of all the evils earth boasts.
We are the biggest optimists and we still hope.
We hope that all will be well we pray never to be hungry sick or broken hearted again.
We have hope that tomorrow brings us closer to paradise and that perfect is what we become when we go there.
We hope that all the pain will eventually fade away in time.
We hope that hearts will heal and wounds will turn into scars
Reminders that we survived.. that we did not give up.
And that is why we believe that today is a better day.
Because we are alive and the cost of living is priceless.
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