Mistakes of today are lessons of tomorrow
If I've wronged today hopefully tomorrow I'll be aware of what troubles await my decisions.
Even though I lose today and all my quests emerge fruitless...
I will let them manifest and create a platform to broadcast all my errs so I may take on the ability to alter what's negative and turn it into what's positive
Coming to terms with one's mistakes is one way to see that you have grown into a being that thinks out of the box, no prejudice, no concealment, no grudges, no nothing...
Only the ability to scrutinize a problem from a different angle every time...
To play devils advocate in whatever situation confronted with...
To be open minded and true to oneself, for not every beating heart within your social circle trusts you 100 percent to tell you of...
Their darkest deeds
Their deepest fears
Their greatest desires...
For these are elements known to those who trust with no pint of doubt...
Now the question is...
Can you trusted rather than
Can you trust...
For one should always open thy doors first inside to try turning stones in another persons life...
Just like to be truly graceful and happy
Your heart should be content with the situation presented!