Sunday, July 14, 2013


Some words can never be spoken of.
Some feelings can never be expressed
melancholical statements can never be written.
Questions, heartbreaking, can never be asked.
So much that can't be done,
but as for what we can do...
We can choose to love with no other emotions...
We can tell the truth with no stone left unturned...
We can lie so well that our compulsive lies turn to our own forms of truth...
We can choose to leave and never turn back...
We can choose to stay and never go away...
Whatever we do shall have a response...
Be it..
Voluntarily or involuntarily...
We shall feel it...
For usually it hurts us deep
Shatters our hearts
Damages our states of mind and causes illness to our healths.
For the heartless it's one of the many experiences caused by emotions never felt...
For the soft hearted it's a rainy day, thundered, imperialised by dark clouds and endless storms but whatever you take it to be...
Know that it can't rain forever
someday the sun will shine...
The birds will chirp
The sky will be blue once again...
Nature shall bloom and
You of all people shall be happy once more!

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