Wednesday, July 8, 2015


The nature of the word side chick brings such evil thoughts to a persons mind. The word Sidechicks paints the women to be such a undignified person a person without morals, one who is inconsiderate. The question to ask is, IS THIS THE WAY IT SHOULD BE?
A sidechick which is simply a modern way of saying a mistress, or a lover, a cheater is a girl that can have many intentions, or let's say there are a variety of sidechicks just like we have many types of meat... We have pork, we have beef, we have mutton etc...
So yes, we have those that are in it to break relationships.. We have those that do it for the excitement of doing it, we have those that find sanctuary in the arms of another woman's man, we also have those that do it for the benefits, the money ,the sex and finally those that do it just because they can.
Well my perception is as follows, the woman is not wrong until she finds out the guy is dating but decides to stay, its not her fault the nigga is good with his words, its not her fault he makes her feel safe, but then it becomes her fault when she finds out she's banging another chikas man but still keeps on it...
Tomorrow, most mainchicks are going to be sidelined so niggas can please they're sidechicks, those kandeshie's, the kamboroto's...
If you're a mainchick you know that regardless of Valentines or not you'll always be there for your nigga... That's why you're gonna tolerate it.. The sidechick is gonna be pleased so she can keep coming back, coz if she aint pleased tomorrow... She aint gone stay for nothing...
Embrace being a sidechick, be happy your a mainchick..
And rejoice that you're a real nigga..
That's whatsup.


So what about the past?.
It was there but now it isn't, let bygones be bygones..
Letting past experiences delay your progress is you killing your potential success.
So what about your friends?.
Why let their bad advice, their negative thoughts change how you should live...
Its mind over matter.
You shouldn't mind what doesn't matter.
So what about your haters?.. What about em not liking you..
I mean its their own time their investing and your living rent free in their heads.. Whatever bad their saying should influence what you can achieve..
There'll always be those that don't like you.. But this is life so learn to live with it..
And finally.. So what about your Family and your Parents?.
Why should you let their lives play a role in yours..
Its true your father is unemployed and your mom just sells fatcakes.. But and here is the big BUT, they paid your schoolfees.. They're occupations do not determine weather you are lined up for success or failure..
All this comes from within.
It takes willpower, commitment and ambition.
Do not let your unfortunate family and their reputation have a say in where you are headed...
Life will throw you many obstacles.
People will try to keep you down.
Friends will at some point try to peer influence you
Family situations and origin will have you thinking and wanting to lose hope.
But before any of these things come to mind..
Before this negativity sets in..
Believe in yourself and ask.
So What About It.?
Filter the bad from the good..
Create a clear path to the land of your dreams..
You are young
Stay in line and
Work hard...